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Ulcer in Stomach – Do I have any Chance of Cancer?

Question: My Endoscopy was done today please let me know if it is fine or not... Do I have any Chance of getting Cancer. I am very worried about it and Biopsy report will come latter after 4 Days Please Help me regarding this matter...


Stomach Ulcer, Do i have a chance of cancer FINDINGS

Esophagus revealed a normal L.E.S (Lower Esophageal Sphincter)

Esophagus did not reveal any gross mucosal abnormality..

Stomach revealed moderate to severe gastritis with erosions and nodularity in the body and the antrum.

Biopsies were taken for HPE and H - Pylori infection.

Pylorus was edematous and congested.

Proximal duodenum did not reveal any gross mucosal abnormality.

Ampulla and peri ampullary region were normal. (K***** Desa***)


Moderate to severe erosive gastritis.


Conservative treatment, Review after biopsy report-


Hello K***n.

Thank you for asking the question.

Your endoscopy report revealed gastritis.

Now there are many possibilities, this gastritis could be nothing or it could be something less or more dangerous. So you should not be worried about something that is not yet diagnosed. Cancer is not a very common condition. Every patient of gastritis doesn't develop cancer. In case of peptic ulcer disease, biopsy should be taken in case of gastritis but it is not necessary in case of duodenal ulcer because there is a small risk of getting gastric cancer after gastritis. According to some studies only 2 percent of patient of gastritis develop cancer after 10 years. 10 years with gastric ulcer is a very long duration. Think positively and don't worry. Although the risk of cancer is increased in case of gastric ulcer but not all patients get cancer after gastric ulcer. And now medical science has advanced so much that cancer in early stages can be treated efficiently. I am telling you all this for your information only. It doesn't mean that you should worry about it or think that your will definitely get cancer. No, this is not going to happen. You will be fine. Just Wait for the biopsy report, and share that report with us.


Dr. Adil Ramzan


Severity of chronic atrophic gastritis and subsequent gastric cancer occurrence: a 10-year prospective cohort study in Japan, Inoue M, et all. Source, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan. Link:


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