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How to gain muscle mass without anabolic steroids

how to increase muscles without anabolics Gaining muscle mass and looking muscular and attractive is every young man’s dream. In the recent past, anabolic steroids have become much popular because they are a shortcut to the goal. But these anabolic steroids are poisonous to your body. They decrease your body owns steroid production. Their long-term use cause testicular atrophy, they decrease sperm production, they cause bloating and hirsutism, they increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In the nutshell, their use shouldn’t be encouraged at all.
Let us discuss a few methods that will help you to increase muscle mass without anabolic steroids.

1. lift More

First thing you should do is to increase your weight progressively. The more you lift, more will be the muscle size. Our body has the extraordinary quality of adapting to new changing situations. when you lift more, your body will adapt to this new situation by increasing the muscle mass, so if next time if you lift the same load it will be comparatively easier.

2. The number of Reps

8-12 reps is an optimal range. Lesser reps are unable to exert the required stress. If you can do 8-12 reps easily then increase the weight and lift more. Another study suggested that instead of lifting heavy weight if you do as many reps as you can with a lighter weight then this will also help to gain muscle mass.

3. Duration of Exercise

Spend one hour in doing a heavy workout. Don’t do intense workout for hours. After about 45 minutes of intense workout, cortisol level of the body increases. Cortisol inhibit testosterone, the hormone responsible for increasing the muscle size. Therefore, do intense workouts for 45-60 minutes

4. The frequency of Exercise

Give your muscles enough time to heal. When you do intense workouts, microscopic tears occur in muscle fibres. These tears need some time to heal. Therefore, do not do intense workout daily. Do a light workout and the next day of the heavy workout or you may take a day off. Don’t do intense workout more than 5 days a week.

5. Eat Proteins

Eat right amount of food. Add quality proteins in your diet. Muscle are made up of proteins and body can increase their size only if enough amount of proteins is available. Good quality protein is that protein which contains all the essential amino acids, for example, egg white and animal proteins. 1.5 – 2g of protein per kg of body weight are usually enough.

6. Vitamin supplements

Vitamins binds with metabolic enzymes and enhances their activity. enzymes are important in all the chemical reactions that occur in our body. Vitamins speed the process of muscle synthesis.

7. Take more calories.

When you do workouts, you need extra calories. add 500 calories more to your normal diet.
you can calculate your daily calorie requirement by using the following formula. Add 500 to the results if you have enrolled yourself in a muscle training program.
66 + (6.3 x body weight in pounds) + (12.9 x body height in inches) – (6.8 x your age in years) = Required Calories/day

8. Take good quality fats.

Fats are essential for the production of testosterone and other androgenic hormones. These hormones stimulate muscle growth. Take good quality unsaturated fats.
If you have any further question you may write us at or you may post a comment below. Please like us on Facebook or subscribe by email to remain in touch in future.


1. Chronic exercise preserves lean muscle mass in masters athletes, Wroblewski AP, Amati F, Smiley MA, Goodpaster B, Wright V. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2011) website:
2. Do Testosterone And Growth Hormones Impact On Muscle Building?
3. Testosterone Treatment Increases Muscle, Study Says, Fueling Debate, Joseph Brownstein, 2011


  1. 1.Please can an hypertensive patient on Calcium channel blockers (amlodipine) buiid muscles? Any bad effect on the heart?
    2. What antihypertensive do u advise for an African,30yr old unmarried medical doctor??

    I love your site, Pls reply.

    1. Calcium channel blocker is the preferred anti-hypertensive drug in case of African/black individuals. ACEi or ARBs are less effective in blacks. If your blood pressure is controlled on amlodipine that is it is less than 140/90 then you may do muscle building training along with cardio. If your blood pressure is more than 140/90 then isometric training should be limited. you may use following link to ask more medical question. Thank you
      Ask Medical Question Now


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