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Urinary Tract Infection Basic Pathology, Causes and Symptoms

Urinary infection 

Many women have the habit of going to the bathroom to take. And that's a problem, because when you retain urine in the bladder for a long time, bacteria are also there, which increases the risk of them adhere to the wall of the organ and cause urinary tract infection, drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day is essential to avoid the problem.

Using pants that tighten and choke the genital region is a habit that can facilitate genital infections. And these, in turn, can also cause urinary infections.

When you have an inflammation of the vagina, there are changes that eventually PH facilitating the creation of an enabling environment for bacteria that can cause a urinary problem, "he explains.

According to doctors, men can also have the problem, but it is more common among women. This is because they have the urethra - raceway urine, leaving the bladder and ends in sex organ - shorter than that of men.

In women, the bacteria in the vagina and perineal area will ascend into the bladder more easily because the channel is shorter. Already in men, urinary tract infections are more common after 60 years, mainly due to an enlarged prostate, which can cause duct obstruction.

The symptoms (burning, pain and difficulty in urination) stopped 48 hours after initiation of treatment.


Antibiotics are used to treat UTI.

Dr Sarah Raquel Cavalcanti dos Santos

About the Author:

General medical, critical and reflective that can act with competence and scientific ethics in the health-disease through health promotion, prevention, protection and rehabilitation of the individual, family and community, through training excellence and committed to citizenship
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