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Pulmonary Embolism Patient- Clinical Scenario and Diagnosis-

•A 42 year old lady from murree visited our hospital for the evaluation of her left leg swelling that she noticed about 2 weeks back. While entering through the gate of Holyfamily Hospital she suddenly collapsed and was rushed to Emergency Department, where she regained consciousness but was dyspneic. Her examination was unremarkable except for a respiratory rate of 32/min.


What is the likely clinical diagnosis? How it can be confirmed? And how will you further evaluate this patient?

Post your answer as comment (scroll down). and answer or further follow up will be presented after 5 answers. 
D-dimers of the patient were advised

Patients value:   1600ng/ml
Normal value:  <200ng/ml

Doppler studies were performed
Venous Doppler left lower limb showed evidence of Deep Venous Thrombosis(DVT)

chest ct scan in pulmonary embolism

This is a classical scenario of Pulmonary Embolism.
ECG shows Q3T3 pattern in our patient

pulmonary embolism ecg
A classical ECG in a pulmonary embolism patient shows S1Q3T3

•D-dimers are markedly elevated and there is established DVT
•CT chest proved pulmonary embolism, showing hypo dense areas in bilateral main pulmonary arteries territory



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dr haseeb tell about the likely diagnosis.. don't just interpret the ecg. from the history tell the likely diagnosis.. question is what is the likely diagnosis and how will confirm it etc.. :)

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  6. Yup... The probable diagnosis from the above evidences might be "Cor Pulmonale"


  8. most probably deep vein thrombosis leading to distal embolism in pulmonary artery leading to sudden collapse.
    right heart failure developed afterwards.
    Lower limb doppler ultrasound, duplex scan, venography
    Ecg and Echo for any source of thrombi

  9. Exactly its Pulmonary embolism as she presentd with sudden collaps wid only one leg sweling with just 2 week history and on ecg one othr thing which favouring PE is Q in III T invrted and S wave in Lead it shows She had DVT of left leg which cause embolism.

  10. lol .. mitral stenosis .. what points went towards mitral stenosis?



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