Man Made Disaster:
There are many disasters which have large element of human causation, either accidental or intended.
Actually there is man behind man's destruction.
Man made disaster is divided into following three categories.

Actually there is man behind man's destruction.
Man made disaster is divided into following three categories.
- Sudden disasters
- Insidious disasters
- Disasters due to wars and civil conflicts.
Sudden disasters
The example of sudden disaster is "Bhopal Gas Tragedy" in INdia on 3rd December 1984 in which a leakage in a storage tank released tons of poisonous methyl isocyanate in to the air. Wind conditions, and an atmospheric inversion along with delayed warning and an uneducated population increased the impact. About 2 millions people were exposed to the gas leaving about 3000 dead. People are still suffereing from the adverse effects of the gas.
The second example is the accident at reactor 4 of the chernobyl nuclear power station in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1986. which resulted in the largest reported accidental release of radioactive material which affected the whole north hemisphere.
And another recent example is Fukushima Nuclear disaster In Japan which followed tasunami. Although a natural contributive element in the impact of disaster was there but still Questions on defects in proper security measures still arise.
Insidious Disasters.
Insidious disasters such as insidious chemical exposure and insidious radiation exposure as in nuclear weapons production factories and research laboratories resulting in release of radioactive substances into the air, soil and underground water. Chemical plants releasing their toxic bi-products into rivers and other water sources is another example. Other form of long term and continuing human made disaster include global warming ( the green house effect) caused by heat trapping gases in the atmosphiere released by burning of fossil fuels, and depletion of ozone layer due to the use of the aerosolized choloroflourohydrocarbons etc.
Wars and Civil Conflicts.
Latest example is the attack on twin building of World Trade Centre in New York in which about 6000 people lost their lives and thousands were injured.
Since world war II, there have been about 127 wars and 21.8 millions war-related deaths involving more than 50 percent civilians.
Preventive Measures:
The public health response to man made disaster is the primary prevention that is prevention of the occurrence of the disaster. Much can be done to prevent not only the consequences but also the occurrences of fires, explosions crashes, and sudden chemical and radiation exposures. This includes tighter regulations of chemical plants and other hazardous facilities and insistence that the chemical plants be built away from the dense populous areas. Other measures includes;
1. Proper building codes
2. Proper dam designs
3. Proper containment of toxic material.
4. Early warning
5. Protection against human errors
6. To Stop arm race
7. Prevention of nuclear war.
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