Fluid retention increases your body weight and gives you a puffy and heavy feeling. it may be pathological,
physiological or related to drug intake.
the bloated body doesn't look good, and nobody wants a bloated appearance.
For the average person, water comprises about 70 per cent of our total body weight.
Diets linked to fluid retention.
Retaining excess fluids can leave you feeling bloated and puffy. it increases your weight and waist. dietary ingredients that contribute to the retention of fluids include:
- Salt
- Sugar
- Inadequate protein
- Insufficient amino acids or B-vitamins
Abnormal retention of fluid is called Edema. if your body tends to retain fluids. visit your doctor to find out the cause. and treatment of cause will eradicate the Edema and it is most efficacious rather treating Edema with diuretics.
for example, if the oedema is secondary to glomerulonephritis. treatment of Glomerulonephritis will be more useful.
Although oedema can be harmless, it is also a common symptom for the following medical conditions:
- Filariasis: parasitic infection, caused by nematodes, block the lymphatic system and cause oedema.
- Glomerulonephritis: leads to abnormal retention of fluids by kidney
- High blood pressure: increased blood pressure causes leakage of fluid from the vessels into the intracellular spaces.
- Heart disease: the inability of pumping blood efficaciously leads to pooling of blood in veins, which leads to leakage of blood from vessels and hence oedema.
- Kidney diseases: various pathological conditions of kidney leads to abnormal absorption of water and salts.
- Liver diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver: lead to less plasma protein production by the liver, fewer plasma proteins will be available in the blood to hold water and water will leak out of the vessels.
- Lymph-edema: blockage of lymphatic vessels will lead to oedema.
- Nephrotic Syndrome: abnormal retention of water by the kidney
- PMS symptoms such as bloating.: hormonal changes cause retention of water.
- Pregnancy: physiological retention of water. due to hormonal changes.
- Thyroid diseases. the pathological condition leads to water retention (called myxedema in case of hypothyroidism)
Taking a diuretic aids the body in getting rid of excess fluid retention. However, using diuretics indiscriminately when trying to lose weight can lead to other serious consequences like dehydration and potassium deficiency.
Lose Water Quickly and Naturally
if there is no medical condition behind water retention. you may use natural diets having diuretic activity (diuretic effect means the ability of a drug or food to cause excretion of salt and water by the kidney) with caution.
Natural products having a diuretic effect include:
* Dandelion
* Green tea
* Dandelion leaf tea
* Fennel
* Juniper berries
* Nettle
* Parsley
* Apple cider vinegar
* Celery
* Celery seed
* Cranberry juice
Foods with diuretic activity:
Eating foods which have high water content is another way to increase the elimination of excess fluid retention. Other foods contain elements that boost kidney performance and in the case of beets actually help fight floating body fats and fatty deposits. These foods would include things like:
* Cucumbers
* Lettuce
* Oats
* Tomatoes
* Watermelon
* Watercress
* Artichokes
* Asparagus
* Brussel Sprouts
* Cabbage
* Carrots
Garlic is very useful. it has a diuretic effect but in addition, it also enhances metabolism and breaks down of fat. so it is very helpful in losing weight.
Beverages that have a diuretic effect include:
* Coffee
* Tea.
Hence in order to lose extra water, follow the following plan.
* Drink herbal teas
* Eat small amounts of starchy carbohydrates
* Include the foods and herbs listed above and eat fruits and vegetables
* Avoid sugary food
* Avoid salt and high sodium foods
* Drink plenty of water
Moreover add exercise to your daily routine.
great work done....
Thanks for you appreciation Dr Subhan