The mission of is Public Health and Medical Education. Here we discuss various health-related issues. All the health information are based on various authentic books written by authentic authors who have international approval and are written in easy to understand language.
Various Textbooks are used as a reference for preparing quality Articles. Some of these are;
1. Guyton and Hall Textbook of human physiology
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Textbook of biochemistry by Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed
4. Lippencott's Pharmacology
5. Pathologic Basis of Diseases by Robbins and Cotran
6. Preventive and social medicine by K. Park
7. Public Health and Community Medicine by Iliyas Shah Ansari
8. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
9. Oxford Textbook Of Medicine
10. Gynecology and Obstetrics by Ten Teachers.
11. Ophthalmology by Jaypee.
The site content is original, written and reviewed by website editorial board. if in any case an external source is used its origin and details are mentioned at the end of the article. Any claims relating to the benefits/performance of a specific treatment, commercial product or service will be supported by appropriate, balanced evidence and published researches and states.
this site is not funded by any external sources ( that is NGOs and other organizations) we don't collect any funds. Since we launched, we allow relevant google adds from companies and manufacturers dedicated to providing health and lifestyle information. These sponsorships, which are a form of advertising, enable us to provide you with our informative content without any cost.
This site is managed and run by professional doctors who are aiming to educate people about their health problem. We don't have intentions to use it for commercial purposes.We study and work hard to ensure that we deliver quality articles to our visitors.
Medicotips Team
Site Founder:
Dr. Adil Ramzan

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