Read carefully before attempting the exam.
- This exam contains questions from following topics;
- Gastro-embryology
- Gastro-Histology
- Gastro-Anatomy
- Gastro-Pathology
- Gastro-Physiology
- Gastro-Pharmacology
- The exam consists of 60 questions.
- You have 35 minutes to answer all the 60 questions.
- You can’t skip a question. Make sure that you have answered all the questions before submitting all the answers.
- Each correct answer has 4 marks and each incorrect answer deducts 1 mark from the total marks obtained. (-1 negative marking)
- Use PC or Laptop to attempt the exam, as attempting it on mobile phones may cause problems.
- After answering the questions, submit the answers, If you need the answer key, then kindly email us at “ “. You will get the answer key within 24 hours.
Relax this is a practice exam and it will help you to identify your weak points where you need to concentrate
Internet Explorer may cause a problem during the exam. We recommend, chrome or firefox.
For answer Key: Email at
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