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Hydatidiform Mole-Complete and Partial Hydatidiform Mole-Difference

Hydatidiform mole:
Hydatidiform mole is a disease of pregnancy. It is characterized by the appearance of a voluminous mass of swollen and sometimes, cystically dilated chorionic villi appearing grossly as grape-like structure.
complete hydatidiform mole image

There are two types of Hydatidiform mole

  • Complete Hydatidiform mole
  • Partial Hydatidiform mole
Complete Hydatidiform mole:
It never allows embryogenesis, therefore, it never contains fetal part. The villi are diploid (46 XX or rarely 46 XY). It occurs result from abnormal fertilization. It occurs when an empty egg is fertilized by two sperms (or a diploid sperm) resulting in an abnormal diploid embryo.
All the villi are abnormal.

Partial Hydatidiform mole:
It is compatible with embryogenesis. Therefore, some fetal parts are present. It is always triploid (46 XXY). It occurs when a normal haploid egg is fertilized by two sperms (or by a diploid sperm) which result in the formation of a triploid ( 46 XXY) embryo. Some of the villi are normal in this case.

Difference Between Complete and Partial Hydatidiform Mole

Complete Hydatidiform Mole
Partial Hyadatidiform Mole
Diploid (46XX or 46XY)
Always Triploid (46 XXY)
Chorionic Villi
All are abnormal. All villi are edematous
Some villi are normal. Not all villi are edematous.
Trophoblastic Proliferation
Diffuse and circumferential.
Focal and slight
Often Present
Serum hcg
More elevated
Less elevated
Hcg in tissues
5 times higher as compared to partial mole
5 times lesser  as compared to the amount of hcg in tissue in complete mole
2 % lead to choriocarcinoma
Rare choriocarcinoma


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